The Climate Recap
The Climate Recap, brought to you by the Beckisphere Climate Corner, is the place to get your weekly dose of global and US-based climate and clean energy news. How are we doing at reducing the impacts of and preparing for climate change?
The Climate Recap
Montana KIDS beat STATE in CLIMATE lawsuit!
Scorched Europe battles deadly fires. Turkey shuts shipping lane | Reuters
More than 100,000 people have been evacuated over 3 weeks from flooding in Pakistan | NPR
Lethal fires in Peru Andes | AP News
Canada’s Northwest Territories declares emergency due to wildfires | Reuters
Portland hits August record of 108 amid extreme Pacific Northwest heat wave | The Washington Post
How climate change shaped California’s first tropical storm in decades | E&E News
Antarctic ice melt may have killed thousands of emperor penguin chicks | CBC
‘We’re changing the clouds.” An unintended test of geoengineering is fueling record ocean warmth | Science
vlogbrothers video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk8pwE3IByg&t=0s
ClimateAdam video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71jlEyIc1Pk&t=0s
Did the Tonga eruption cause this year’s extreme heat? | Live Science
Hawaii: growing threat of ‘devastating’ fires as island landscape dries and warms | The Guardian
Lahaina used to be a wetland | Heated
Oil Giants Fight Climate Deception Suit at Hawaii Supreme Court | Bloomberg Law
Hawaii’s youth-led climate change lawsuit is going to trial next summer | Grist
Judge Rules in Favor of Montana Youths in a Landmark Climate Case | The NYTimes
Environmental groups sue to keep Virginia in Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative | AP News
Countries adopt multibillion-dollar fund to protect nature | Reuters
Ecuador votes to ban oil drilling in part of Amazon, mining outside Quito | Reuters
Biden Protects Land By Grand Canyon But Will Still Allow Mining | Bloomberg Law
5 things to know about Japan’s Fukushima water release in the Pacific | NPR
Source list- https://www.notion.so/Climate-Recap-8-28-ff44b9e0c4c54464a678b0ca968d4098?pvs=4
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