The Climate Recap

The ozone layer is healing!

Beckisphere Climate Corner

California contends with flooding, power outage as severe storms batter the state | CBS News
Lake Tahoe snowpack levels nearly 250% above normal | Fox40
Low water levels have created an energy crisis at the world’s largest dam | The Washington Post
Satellites watch Europe get hit by most severe winter heatwave ever | Space
Ozone layer may be restored in decades, UN report says | BBC
WE QUIT | Extinction Rebellion UK
Public Order Bill: The British government wants to hand police unprecedented powers to handle protestors. Human rights activists say it’s an affront to democracy
Germany: Police clear climate activists from coal village | DW
Biden EPA Backs Off Plan to Crack Down on Smog From Permian Oil Drillers | Bloomberg
Ahead of Major Court Case, E.P.A. Revises Clean-Water Protections | The NYTimes
Do Gas Stoves Have Health Risks? | The NYTimes

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