The Climate Recap
The Climate Recap, brought to you by the Beckisphere Climate Corner, is the place to get your weekly dose of global and US-based climate and clean energy news. How are we doing at reducing the impacts of and preparing for climate change?
The Climate Recap
The ozone layer is healing!
California contends with flooding, power outage as severe storms batter the state | CBS News
Lake Tahoe snowpack levels nearly 250% above normal | Fox40
Low water levels have created an energy crisis at the world’s largest dam | The Washington Post
Satellites watch Europe get hit by most severe winter heatwave ever | Space
Ozone layer may be restored in decades, UN report says | BBC
WE QUIT | Extinction Rebellion UK
Public Order Bill: The British government wants to hand police unprecedented powers to handle protestors. Human rights activists say it’s an affront to democracy
Germany: Police clear climate activists from coal village | DW
Biden EPA Backs Off Plan to Crack Down on Smog From Permian Oil Drillers | Bloomberg
Ahead of Major Court Case, E.P.A. Revises Clean-Water Protections | The NYTimes
Do Gas Stoves Have Health Risks? | The NYTimes
Source list- https://heavenly-sceptre-002.notion.site/1-18-23-Climate-Recap-6c630db8190d46b6afa4d4447de05ddb
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