The Climate Recap
The Climate Recap, brought to you by the Beckisphere Climate Corner, is the place to get your weekly dose of global and US-based climate and clean energy news. How are we doing at reducing the impacts of and preparing for climate change?
The Climate Recap
Greta sues Sweden
Meta tops list of US corporate solar adopters with 3.6 GW, more than Amazon and Apple combined: SEIA | Utility Dive
Evidence grows of forced labour and slavery in production of solar panels and wind turbines | The Guardian
Swedish activists sue state over its climate policies | AP News
Greta Thunberg, 600 others sue Sweden for climate inaction | Al Jazeera
Puerto Rican towns sue Big Oil under RICO alleging collusion on climate denial | Reuters
Scholz welcomes Qatar LNG deal as ‘building block’ for German energy security | Reuters
Netherlands reportedly set to forcibly close 3,000 farms to comply with EU mandate | Fox News
Canada unveils climate adaptation plan | Grist
US to Auction Almost 1 Mil Acres Off Alaska for Oil Drilling | Yahoo
Industry players unite to build trust in carbon storage | Axios
Sources- https://heavenly-sceptre-002.notion.site/Climate-Recap-Dec-3-90e500c2c76d4abdb55aa70a37a039ab
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