The Climate Recap

South Africa plans to switch from coal straight to clean energy

Beckisphere Climate Corner

Flash floods in Australia’s southeast cut off inland towns | Reuters
‘Rain bursts’ over Sydney have intensified by 40% over the last two decades, research finds | The Guardian
Warmest Armistice Day ever for England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland | The Guardian
Study: Extreme heat is responsible for hundreds of deaths in Texas prisons | Grist
World has nine years to avert catastrophic global warming, study shows | The Washington Post
World’s biggest carmakers to build 40 mil more vehicles than 1.5ºC climate target will allow | The Guardian
Methane emissions from 15 meat and dairy companies rival those of the EU | The Guardian
Africans Sun: Why Solar Not Gas Offers Continent the Best Economic Opportunity in the Transition | Carbon Tracker Initiative
How Oil & Gas Funding Distorts Energy Research | Gizmodo
Michael Bloomberg announces a new initiative to phase out coal in 25 countries | The NYTimes
South Africa pitches $84 bil plan to shift from coal to clean energy | Climate Change News
EU agrees law to remove CO2 with woodlands and other carbon sinks | Reuters
Germany to leave Energy Charter Treaty | Politico
Climate protesters in Lisbon storm building urge minister to resign | The Guardian
Rainn Wilson Changes Name to Rainnfall Heat Wave Extreme Winter Wilson For Melting Arctic | THR News
$13 bil to reduce energy bills | Gris
Barcelona students to take mandatory climate crisis module from 2024 | The Guardian
Coal projects in Great Barrier Reef catchments approved without environmental impact statements | The Guardian
Switzerland Is Paying Poorer Nations to Cut Emissions on Its Behalf | The NYTimes
Analysis: US falling $32 bil short on ‘fair share’ of $100 bil climate finance goal | Carbon Brief

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